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Time for an Energetic Spring Clean

Straight Up PR

It's almost that time of year again where we start to think about spring cleaning our home. Typically, we think about clearing out our wardrobes, getting rid of expired food hiding at the back of our pantry & generally cutting back on 'stuff'. This year, we're looking at spring cleaning from a different lens.

We caught up with Jenny Phare, Energy Healer & Founder of Healing Places to ask a few questions about energetic space clearing, what's involved & how to tell if your home has negative energy that needs to be shifted... Get your sage ready!

Tell us a little about yourself & how you came to practice house clearing?

I’ve always had an interest in ghosts since I was a child in the 50s. We lived in a haunted house & I would regularly be terrified by footsteps that would tread heavily down the long hall to my bedroom door, then stop. I’d scream for my parents but they said they never saw anything. When I was older, they told me the man who lived there before us had hung himself in a little room adjacent to mine.

I had an epiphany in 1994, and I became spiritually aware, & started on my journey.

What training do you have?

  • Zoeros "The Turning Point"

  • Zoeros - "Mastery & Service"

  • Australian Academy of Applied Parapsychology - "Advanced Parapsychology - The Higher Self Connection" (2 years)

  • Chiara College - "Metaphysics" (1 year)

  • Chiara College - "Spiritual Healing" (1 year)

  • Doreen Virtue - "Angel Intuitive"

  • Denise Linn - ‘Space Clearing’

  • Theta Healing - Basic

  • Theta Healing - Advanced

  • Theta Healing - Intuitive Anatomy

  • Theta Healing – DNA3

  • Feng Shui Basic

  • J-Seals and unnatural seals & implants removal

During the Chiara College & AAAP courses we completed extensive house / business clearings in groups of teachers & students, sometimes up to eighty of us. I really enjoyed these experiences.

I’ve been practicing Spiritual & Energy healing as well as Spiritual & Energy House Clearing since 1998. My processes have ‘evolved’ over the many years into what it is today. Still I’m guided almost daily to make more changes; especially during these challenging times.

What equipment do you use in a clearing?

We work by connecting to our guides, the archangels & ascended masters & the Creator-of-all-that-is or Universal Source, so it is very much spiritually based. We facilitate the work by using divine white light or energy from the Universe or Source, so we don’t use any physical equipment.

What would someone have to do to prepare for a clearing?

We do 2 types of clearing;

1) home or business via a visit

2) remote or long-distance work

For visits, people can be just going about their usual business while we do the clearing. Of course, they are also very welcome to participate!

For our remote work, they can be asleep, if in another time zone, or they may light a candle and set positive intentions.

How long is a house clearing?

A remote clearing takes anything from 45 minutes to an hour & a half; depending on what we find.

For a visit clearing, it usually takes longer, as we check every room & space & chat with our clients. Then the personal ‘mini’ family healing takes an additional 20 minutes.

What process do you follow?

For visits, we come into the home, have a chat with the occupants to explain our procedure, then we walk from room to room feeling & recording (for our report) what is happening in the home.

We then do the clearing of the house & the land, then bring in vibrant positive divine white light from the Source of all Creation. Finally, we place a blessing on the home/business & all who live or work there. After this, we perform a Spiritual & energy 20-minute healing on everyone, ensuring their energies are left clean & refreshed.

What space can be cleared?

Any living or work space can be cleared. The land is also cleared. The energy from any previous dwellings is also cleansed & cleared. We also clear schools & hospitals.

What makes a house have these negative energies?

Many things can affect a home or workplace or the land, for example a death which may result in a lost soul haunting the area. A lost soul is a person who has passed away experiencing some kind of trauma, such as an unexpected accident, murder, a suicide, or where there may be unresolved issues with another person or place and they become ‘stuck’ & stay there attached to that person or place.

Not all people who die become lost souls; the majority cross over to the light.

Accumulated negative energy can affect & even permeate the very fabric of a building or the land, or even an object. A murder is the most obvious, but negative emotions expressed in a building, such as hate, rage, depression, illness & abuse are all examples of how negativity can affect a home or workplace.

We feel this negativity during the clearing as a heaviness or coldness. It can be all over the building, or it can be worse in some rooms.

Do you have a typical customer?

Often families come to us as children & pets are more sensitive to what is going on in the house & can be badly affected. I once had an urgent call from a truckie who was planning to sleep overnight in his truck & leave his young family to it if it didn’t stop!

We complete many clearings for people who are having difficulty selling their home. A clearing works extremely well in this situation.

Often people move into a home & all hell breaks loose! This is quite common for us.

Businesses can also benefit, both in productivity, efficiency & staff morale if all negativity is removed & the space cleared regularly. Businesses where clients are inclined to ‘dump’ or talk about their woes are very prone to accumulating negative energy.

You are able to work anywhere in the world – how do you do this?

Energy moves instantaneously to anywhere in the world with sacred intention. We work intuitively & with our guides. This is a very quiet / meditative process & we have a designated room for this.

After all jobs are completed, visits included, we email a written report detailing what we have found, both in the building & on the land. We also send them some information detailing how they can keep their homes & workplaces & themselves energetically clean & protected after we have finished. I also like to send them some information on the benefits of meditation & affirmations.

I feel that with the shift that is currently happening on the planet more and more people are waking up to commence their healing journeys & find their true purpose.

Learn more about energy healing & clearing on the Healing Places website. It's time to get your energetic spring clean on!


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