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10 Ways to Make Your Home Healthier This Spring

Straight Up PR

As we get ready to welcome the warmer months ahead (yay, but where has this year gone?!), now is the perfect time to give your space a much-needed refresh. With a change of season comes a new urge to tidy up your surroundings, remove things that no longer serve you & of course, as Marie Kondo always says, only embrace items that ‘spark joy’. Here’s how to ensure that every room in your home gets the loving it deserves this Spring & the tick of approval when it comes to your health & the environment.

1. Declutter your space to declutter your mind

You know what they say, “out with the old & in with the new”, & there’s something really satisfying that comes from sorting through all your stuff. Whether it be things of daily use or going through draws that you haven’t opened in forever, culling any unwanted items is a sure-fire to free up your space & get organised. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, pick one room to tackle first & work your way from there – trust us when we say, your mind will thank you for it!

2. Clean out your pantry

Is your pantry looking a bit chaotic? Do you have half-opened packets of pasta and sachets of granola floating around at the back? Nothing says ‘spring clean’ quite like a good pantry hull. Pay particular attention to products past their expiry date, use canisters to keep organised (whip out that label maker while you’re at it) & make sure everything has a place to avoid stocking up unnecessarily. Check out one of our fave pantry staples here.

3. Opt for air-purifying plants

Who doesn’t love an indoor plant? Not only are they a great way to add greenery into any room, did you know that some are also great air-purifiers? Yep! Some of our favourite air-purifying plants include; English Ivy, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera, Chrysanthemums & Mother-In-Law’s Tongue. They work to filter the air by absorbing C02 & releasing oxygen. Plants are also proven to help reduce stress, so there’s that, too!

4. Ditch the plastic

It’s no surprise that plastic isn’t great for our health or the environment, but luckily there are so many alternatives to make the switch to going plastic-free a breeze. Plastic can leach unwanted chemicals into our food, so try and swap plastic storage containers for glass instead. Other items you can try include stainless steel straws & drink bottles and beeswax or silicone bowl covers instead of cling wrap.

5. Switch to natural cleaning products

When looking at how we can improve the health of our home, we want to try & minimise exposure to certain chemicals found in common household cleaning products. When it comes to dishwashing liquid & laundry detergent, look for plant-derived, biodegradable solutions that are free from potentially harmful ingredients. Top tip: baking soda & white vinegar are two staples to have on hand for a DIY cleaning solution suitable & safe for use in both the bathroom & kitchen! Read all about Pleasant State’s natural range of cleaning products here.

6. Take your shoes off at the door

Getting into the habit of leaving your shoes at the door is an easy way to stop unwanted chemicals, germs, bacteria & even pollen particles from entering your home – you’d be surprised how many nasties are lurking around! Doing so also helps keep floors clean(er) in between mops.

7. Say goodbye to mould

Thanks to La Niña rearing its ugly head for third time, we’re urged to keep an eye out for pesky mould popping up in & around the home. Mould exposure can have a negative effect on health, causing allergy-like & respiratory symptoms amongst other things. Areas to watch out for include the bathroom, kitchen, laundry & wardrobes. To keep moisture at bay, be sure to open windows & doors daily to increase airflow. If mould does start appearing, it’s important to take the necessary measures to stop it in its tracks.

8. Upgrade your personal care products

Whether it be your hand wash, moisturiser, or shampoo & conditioner, take a look at the products you use everyday and see if there’s a natural, eco-friendlier alternative you can use instead. Over time, making small swaps can lead to big changes! We’re loving al.ive body range of personal care products – not only do they look pretty in your kitchen or bathroom, they contain only natural botanical ingredients & are free from any nasties.

9. Get to know your candles

Studies have shown that many mainstream candles when burnt, can release volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde into the air – which consequently is linked to negative health effects. This is largely due to the fact that candles can be made from paraffin wax, which is a derivative of petroleum. When selecting candles, go for ones that are made from GMO-free Soy or Beeswax & also ensure they are free from synthetic fragrances.

10. No tech time

Although it’s tempting to scroll through Instagram or watch another Tiktok video when you’re laying in bed – the blue light from our tablets and smart phones are known to wreak havoc on our melatonin levels, making it harder to wind down of an evening. No one wants a disturbed sleep, so saying no to tech time at least an hour before bed is a much healthier option when it comes to sleep hygiene. Instead, try reading a book or meditating (App-free).

Feature Image: @al.ive_body


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